From 1991-2015 producer profitability acoss the three prairie provinces increased by $3.8 billion as a result of the CDC varieties according the the CDC's 2016 economic impact study.






The funders and initial faculty of the CDC had high hopes of contributing to the development of the agricultural economy of Saskatchewan and western Canada.  In addition to the contributions to science and knowledge through thousands of research and extension publications, the CDC trained the next generation of plant breeders and agronomists through teaching and graduate student supervision.

Today, the CDC is a world leader in several areas that include wheat genomics and pulse crop research and development.  Nevertheless, future success is not necessarily dependent on past performance.  To remain leaders the CDC must have an eye to the future with explicitly defined goals that are aligned with opportunities, while addressing the underlying challenges.


The Economic Impact of Crop Development

A recent economic assessment of the CDC has revealed substantial economic returns from research, and significant local, regional and international impact through research outputs and market share of CDC varieties in western Canada.